
Denture replace your missing teeth. Re-again the look, feel and function of natural teeth. Without support from denture, facial muscles sag, Making a person look older. You’ll be able to eat and speak things so that people often taken for granted until their natural teeth are lost.

Types of Denture:

  • Removable Denture:- Replaces missing teeth. This Denture fits over a small number of remaining natural teeth or implants.
  • Partial Denture:- Replace a few missing teeth.
  • Full or complete dentures:- Are needed if all the natural teeth are missing. These can be conventional or immediate dentures.

Conventional Denture is made after all the teeth are extracted and tissues have healed. This may take at least 6 to 8 weeks.

Immediate complete Denture Is inserted as soon as all the teeth are removed. The wearer does not have to be without teeth during the healing period. However, bones and gums can shrink overtime, especially during the first six months after the removal of teeth. Then the dentures may require rebasing or relining to fit properly. The natural teeth must be prepared to provide stability and support for the denture. Let your dentist determined which denture would it be suitable for you.


What will new denture feel like?

New dentures may feel awkward initially. It is not unusual to experience minor irritation or soreness. Saliva flow may temporarily increase. One or more follow-up appointments with the dentist are needed after a denture is inserted. If any problem persists consult your dentist.


Will dentures make me look different?

Dentures Can be made to closely resemble your natural teeth so that little change in appearance will be noticeable. Dentures may even improve the look of your smile and help fill out the appearance of your face and profile.


Will I able to eat with my dentures?

Eating will take a little practice. Start with soft foods cut into small pieces. chew slowly using both sides of your mouth. As you become accustomed to chewing, Add other foods until you return to your normal diet. Be cautious with hot or hard foods and sharp-edged bones or shells.

Will dentures change how i speak?

Pronouncing certain words may require practice. read out loud and repeat troublesome words. You may find that your dentures occasionally slip when you laugh, cough or smile. Reposition the dentures by gently biting down and swallowing. If the problem persists, consult your dentist. 

How long should i wear my dentures?

Your dentist will provide instructions about how long dentures should be kept in place. During the first few days, you may be advised to wear them most of the time, including while you sleep. after the initial adjustment period, you may be instructed to remove the dentures before going to bed. thus allows gum tissues to rest and promotes oral health.

Should i use a denture adhesive?

Denture adhesive can provide additional retention for well-fitting dentures. But this is not the solution for old, ill-fitting dentures. A poorly fitting dentures may contribute to the development of sores. These dentures may need a reline or need to be replaced. If your dentures begin to feel loose, or cause discomfort, consult with your dentist immediately.


How do I take care of my dentures?

Dentured are very Delicate and may break if dropped so be cautious. store your dentures away from children and pets.

Brush: Dentures must be brushed daily to remove food deposits and plaque. It’s best to use a brush designed for cleaning dentures or a toothbrush with soft bristles.

Cleaning: Hand soap or mild dishwashing liquid are both acceptable for cleaning dentures. Do not powdered household cleansers or bleach for cleaning the denture.

Step by step guide: First rinse away loose food particles. Next moisten in the brush and apply denture cleanser. Brush every surface, scrubbing gently to avoid moisten

Keep dentures moist: dentures May lose their shape if they are allowed to dry. Dentures should be placed in Denture cleanser soaking solution or in water when not worn. Never placed dentures in hot water, which caused them to wrap.

Can I make minor adjustments or repairs to my dentures?

you can seriously damage your dentures by trying to adjust or repair your dentures. A denture that does not fit properly causes irritation and sores. Visit your dentist if your dentures break, crak, chip or if one of the teeth becomes loose. A dentists can often make the necessary adjustments or repairs on the same day. Never self repair dentured with the glue sold over the counter as it contains harmful chemicals.

Will my denture need to be replaced?

Dentures may need to be replaced if they become loose. this happens because a mouth naturally changes with age. Bone and gum ridges recede or shrink, causing jaws to align differently. loose dentures can cause sores, infections, make chewing difficult and may change facial features. then they need to be relined, rebased or remade. let your dentist decide.

Do I need to care for my mouth?

Even with full dentures, you still need to take good care of your mouth, every morning need to brush your gums, tongue and pallate with soft bristled brush before you put in your dentures, this removes plaque and stimulates circulation. A balanced diet for proper nutrition is also important for a healthy mouth.

How often should I schedule dental appointments?

Your dentist will advice you about your dental visit. Regular dental checkups are important. The dentist will examine your mouth to see if your dentures fit properly.

Find your smile so that you  Look younger and more confident. Be yourself with dentures.