Dental Elder Abuse Response
How does Dental Elder Abuse Response (D.E.A.R.) Project help?
Poor or neglected oral health can be a form of elder abuse and it is a serious issue. Dental elder abuse can cause pain, suffering and illness for the older person. It can even lead to cases of preventable death.
The Dental Elder Abuse Response (D.E.A.R.) Project is a joint pilot project of Deep Dental (Mohali), the Clinical Centre for Elder Law (CCEL), and the National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (Dental Theme Team). D.E.A.R. is funded through a small community-based grant from the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) – Employment and Social Development (ESD).
This project is creating the first materials in Mohali that link dentists, caregivers and older adults together on issues of abuse and neglect. Working with dentists, hygienists, seniors, caregivers and community organizations, the D.E.A.R. Project is “Taking the Bite out of Elder Abuse”. Its senior peer-trained workshops, online videos, helpful brochures and checklists provide practical, evidence-based and expert hands-on material to recognize and prevent dental elder abuse and neglect. These materials also help start the conversation about advance care planning related to dental issues.
How can you help?
- Become a peer-trainer, watch our short online videos, schedule a workshop, and download our free brochures and checklists!
- Become a member of the NICE Network’s Dental Theme Team
- Join us on social media for project updates and share your ideas